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February 10, 2017

2017 Giving Hearts Day Online Donation Drive Success

We are truly thankful for all of the amazing support received from the various generous donors that participated in the 2017 Giving Hearts Day Online Donation Drive.  This great event has provided us an opportunity to raise $27,195 for the DMF - North Dakota Academy of Family Physicians Foundation Endowment Fund!  This Endowment Fund allows any donations made to be invested with the Dakota Medical Foundation.  They manage the account and allow us to utizlie the interest earned for the many programs of the NDAFP Foundation.  We are currently preparing for our next class of Don Breen Family Medicine Scholar Program participants.  These first year medical students will have the opportunity to spend some time with a North Dakota Family Physician this summer and preview the many aspects Family Medicine has to offer.  The NDAFP Foundation continues to sponsor the Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics Course for the Family Medicine Residents as well as the active practicing physicians that wish to stay up to date on this very important topic.  Each year, the Foundation is offering new opportunities for medical students.  Any medical student that matches into Family Medicine will receive a special recognition gift at the graduation awards brunch.  New this year, is an opportunity for medicla students to receive funding to attend a number of national Family Medicine conferences.  


If you are interested in supporting any of these great programs, please consider donating to the NDAFP Foundation today.  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.  Thank you.


NDAFP Foundation Donations can be made here.